Office 2016 for all operating systems?


I need Microsoft Office 2016 for my lessons on my laptop.

Since I have a Mac, I have to buy the program.

My question:

Do I have to buy the program specifically for the Mac or does the normal package last?

The system for the Mac's are more expensive than the "normal" Office.

On the internet I could not read if the normal package is also compatible with Mac's and before I pay more

Office 2016 for all operating systems Office 2016 for all operating systems - 1

, I would be glad about an answer:-)


Of course you need that for Mac…


There are program versions, which were made either only for Mac or for Windows computers. There are also programs that run on both types of computers. Make sure that the packaging has the Apple logo on it. Only then can you be sure that this program runs on a Mac.

There are far fewer Mac computers than Windows PCs, which is unfortunately reflected in the price of programs.

But does it really have to be the version of Microsoft? Apache Open Office does the same, but is free to download and use. This is available for both Windows and Mac - of course in the different versions.