Advantages of Windows vs OS?


Again a question from me, which refers to the two operating systems mentioned above (Linux I deliberately leave out in this question times outside). Many Apple users rave about the OS operating system and would never (again) use Windows and Windows is (at least according to my perception) one of the most vicious operating systems for PCs and laptops at all. But rightly? My question, out of interest: are there areas where Windows is "superior" to the OS system, ie areas where Windows is really the better operating system? If so, what would that be? To what extent do personal preferences play their part? OS may be summa sumarum the better operating system, but is this always the case in every situation? If you ignore the price of Apple devices and Windows devices, would buying a Windows device sometimes be worthwhile for certain features, except that they are already available in a lower price range? Thank you for your answers. (please avoid the long-standing war between Apple users and Windows users.) Factual arguments weigh much more heavily than emotional action.


You mean the advantages / disadvantages of macOS over Windows, right?
I myself work in my work with Windows, at home I have Macs.
Windows clearly has the advantage that you have a very large hardware selection, from the cheapest notebook to the more expensive gaming tower. Also, many business applications are still running only on Windows and also for games, Windows is the better choice, if you do not want a game console.
On Macs, I find the administration overhead and harassment of the operating system with unimportant information less high. Also, the operating system when buying a Mac is set clean, without any garbage programs that you have to remove first. Also, of course, the operating system is perfectly matched to the hardware. The operation is basically easier, but if you are used to Windows, then it is still a conversion and initially more cumbersome because you want to use the "control reflexes" of Windows, but these do not work. An advantage of macOS is certainly that there's little malware and the tedious administration around virus scanners is eliminated. This does not automatically mean that macOS is safer.
For a long time I found the macOS technically superior to Windows, but meanwhile Windows is not that bad and I think that one should not waste too much emotion in discussions around Windows / macOS.
The operating system is becoming increasingly unimportant in the heterogeneous world of desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets anyway.
Also, I find the product and pricing policy of Apple in the last few years rather outrageous and I'll think carefully if I want to buy a Mac again. Apple sells over several years no longer updated Macs (Mac mini, Macbook Air, Mac Pro) still at high prices and the minimum storage capacity on the new Macbook models is so small that you always with the (much) more expensive model has to take more memory.


You mean with OS probably MacOS. "OS" literally means Operation System, ie operating system. Therefore, Windows is OS as well as MacOS.

No matter, to the question:

I myself have a MacBook 2016 and a Windows laptop because I have some applications that I need for the work that just does not exist for MacOS.

That's actually the exception. Most will probably never have such a case.

MacOS is a bit simpler. Idiots, so to speak. You can't go wrong, it is a bit more coherent on the whole. That's an advantage, of course. One drawback would be that Apple really does not leave much leeway for customizing the operating system.

To Windows:

An advantage, of course, is the price. And one area where MacOS is completely disconnected is really gaming. This is super easy with Windows. Install Steam, buy game, start game. Finished. What makes Windows even better are server services. Something is limited in Mac. On Windows you can run most server services. Whether it's a game server, a firewall or a NAS. But if you need it, it's best to switch to Linux anyway.

What would be a big advantage is the expandability. With Windows, you can easily swap the processor or the graphics card. Try the time at Macos. Apple officially does not support hardware. Therefore, upgrades are only partially feasible.

I find MacOS for things like daily surfing, or write an essay for study, retrieve emails and more beautiful like Windows.

But because Windows is not closed, more is possible. So as soon as it goes into something special areas Windows is the better choice.


So when I first used Apple Calculator in 2015 after the Windows XP, that convinced me a lot with the multitouch function of Trackpad, and with the preinstalled sticky note program.

Basically, I get along well with both systems.


In advance: OS stands for "Operating System", ie the English term for "operating system" in general. In the Apple universe there are macOS and iOS.

Basically, I can only recommend you to be skeptical, if there who so hyped one-sided something… With inflationary use of superlatives anyway. This rarely has a base based on knowledge.

Apple deprives in its operating systems many functionalities. At first sight this means more security, on the second less flexible usability (or more effort to make something usable). However, this "more" security is not nearly as big as it likes to claim from some "apple disciples". Since like a problem from Windows 98 and older compared with the current macOS.

The most relevant difference is the users. For the first time, anyone who comes into contact with computers usually has to deal with Windows or Android. Is it any wonder that the system with significantly more users with a lower average know-how more problems come to light? In addition, destructive forces are of course more likely to pounce on the system where they can reach more users with the same overhead.

Both systems are technically relatively close to IMHO with slight advantages for macOS. In addition there are the o. G. "SoftSkills", which speak for Apple. But that should not be overrated! Against Apple speaks that one is trapped in the Apple cosmos. Cross-system functionality does not exist on both the hardware and software side, which Apple uses massively to increase its own profits.

In the end, it counts which software (type) you want to get up and running. I personally would never resort to Apple products. I simply do not see any advantage to free (unixed) operating systems like Linux or Debian. In particular, Apple remains the biggest security issue, which also has Microsoft… Closed Source is not verifiable from the outside. Thus, the security of the system can't be finally clarified.


In XP's time, I found macOS to be better than Windows just because of these gestures, but also because of other trivialities (such as super-fast waking up from standby, default system-wide save as pdf, free iLife package, etc). Windows has caught up in many areas and therefore I find macOS not so much better than Windows.