Laptop on your lap harmful?


Have now read several times that the laptop can be harmful to fertility if you have it on your lap, but I have my laptop on my legs so a bit away from the testicles and always a blanket underneath, is it still harmful?


It is not the laptop that is harmful xD but the heat…

So maximum the heat.

Just like sitting on the cold floor. You should avoid both.


It's a question of how many hours you have the thing on your feet. Most devices have EM radiation that is not healthy in the long term. But they are kept as low as possible according to the standard.

However, the warmth is more harmful, not least for the laptop.

If you are afraid, put it on a table or wrap your nuts in aluminum foil.


Yes, I actually mean the heat too, but will the heat be damaging if there's a blanket underneath so that the heat doesn't really get under the blanket?


The ceiling is not a 2m thick reinforced concrete wall where nothing can get through. The fabric is not so dense that absolutely no heat can get through. She'll always get through there. Sure, it keeps them off a bit and you can do it, but it shouldn't be too long.


I just grabbed a wooden board and will always put it under for safety 😂


Thank you, I just took a wooden board from me, which I will always put under from now on just to be sure.