Carbon fiber harmful to health?


Are carbon fiber-containing materials harmful to your health?

Wanted to soon get a laptop made of carbon fiber and wanted to ask if carbon is harmful to health?


Carbon itself probably not, otherwise carbon jewelry would not be so popular. It can't be ruled out that individual allergies develop, but overall one can't speak of damaging health.


No, as far as I know, this fiber is also used in a special toothbrush, it should be the tooth white again bring back.

Was in a sales letter, if it is true I can't say, but it would be proof that it does not harm the health under such circumstances.


Regarding the question of whether CFRP materials are harmful to health, we can provide the following information:

Carbon or carbon modification Graphite itself is not a hazardous substance.

However, the particle and fiber dusts which are produced during a mechanical machining process can have dangerous properties.

In addition, consideration of the hazard potential must also take into account the potentially hazardous properties of the other materials occurring in the composite. Although there are no reliable findings for the carcinogenic properties of carbon fibers, the concrete handling of these materials should be based on the