Help of fraud?


Today I sent a parcel to England. It is a fraud. Laptop of vert 1500 euro but the recipient did not pay. I need help? You're welcome. I have the sales contract for that laptops and the prove of the fraud.


Your mistake at all. To send out goods without collecting cash. Well. If you have the purchase contract it is good. However, you would need the data and the residence of course present. You go to the police make an ad against fraud abroad.


Do you think my package would be sent back or will I get back


Is a bit difficult, but if the human can be identified, then he would have to pay the penalty.


The name and address and residence I have beautiful. Believe the police could stop the package because that is still in Germany. Today is sent


I have photos of that package in the mail and before everything is with photos documentie


Yes, yes. Go to the post office, just let your package stop. Here is a link to


You can also apply via the Internet or via Dhl website request that your package is stopped


It is a private package traded to england this morning. Can one stop at post office? I have the consignment number with me?


Yes. The link to how you do it, I have sent. Just click on it.