Ad but accused turns out to be innocent?


I have someone from whom I bought online a laptop in the amount of about 2000 euro for fraud with the police, because the product did not arrive after 3 weeks and the suspicion of fraud was very high. Now the salesman came back to me and explained the whole situation and was able to prove everything he said exactly. Thus, this was by no means fraud. The money was even refunded to me. As far as I know you can't retreat an ad.

What awaits me and the seller now legally for consequences? Will the investigation of the police now be canceled or is this case still going to court? Do I get a penalty now because I've shown someone innocent? Does the seller still get a penalty, even though he is innocent? Diversion? Acquittal?


Of course you can pull back an ad… Would be new to me, if that would not work.

Go to the police and describe everything


The ad can't be withdrawn, of course, the case is now known to the prosecutor. However, the seller will then yes to the police and prosecutors can prove why it will be pretty clear that he is innocent and then the procedure is set. You do not expect any consequences because you did not know that he was innocent.


No. You can never pull back ads.


If you filed a complaint with your ad, you should withdraw it. The prosecutor is unlikely to have a public interest in prosecution, and thus stop the investigation.

If you have not filed a criminal complaint and the StA investigates because it sees public interest, you could tell him the changed circumstances. He will then stop.

You will not be punished. At first you did not know it was not a scam.


Well, if this is new to you…

Ads can't be pulled back under any circumstances. But that is only since 1954. Could have gone past you then.


This is just new to what many sunkkar is: Ads can't take back. Nobody. Never.

A criminal complaint already. In this case, the display will remain as it is, but if everything is correct and no fraud is detected, the procedure will be stopped because of proven innocence.


I do not know if I filed a complaint, I was in the police and reported the situation. As a result, I was heard as a witness and everything was documented.