FLAC or MP3 (320 kBit / s)?


I want to copy all of my CDs to my laptop and I can't decide between FLAC and MP3 (320 kBit / s).

Pro Flac:

is lossless
converting to FLAC does not change the original

Against Flac:

requires a lot of storage space

Per MP3 (320 kBit / s):

requires significantly less storage space
you can't hear any differences between MP3 and FLAC

Against MP3 (320 kBit / s):

there's a loss of quality / it is no longer the original

Somehow I'm afraid that I'll regret it later if I only save all my CDs as MP3 (320 kBit / s) on my laptop and not as FLAC. On the other hand, I don't want to place unnecessary emphasis on FLAC if I can't hear the difference between FLAC and MP3 (320 kBit / s) anyway. What do you all mean? I'm too incapable of judging that at the moment.


If you just want to hear it and don't have to use it in any way (edit, burn, etc.) clearly MP3. As you said, you don't hear a difference.


How do you mean by "burn"? If you burn the music onto a CD, doesn't it make any difference whether MP3 or FLAC?


If you take down the music from the CD as MP3, burn it to a CD and someone else takes the MP3 down again, the quality deteriorates.


I would fix on whether I care about the storage space. Some say they can hear a difference, I definitely can't. But you can also just try that out.

Otherwise: If I have enough storage space, I would just use FLAC.

Another question: Do you want to get rid of the CDs or should it just be used as a "backup copy"?


Another question: Do you want to get rid of the CDs or should it just be used as a "backup copy"?

It should be a backup copy that I would like to use for a long period of time.


Then you should also save them redundantly.


Significantly better audio quality. You can hear the difference immediately.


I just did the test and converted one of my FLACs to 320 kbit / s MP3. There are 34 MB by 11 MB. In times when you get thrown behind 1TB hard drives for 30 euro, I would really not accept the compromise anymore. Are you really interested in whether you can save 90,000 or just 30,000 songs on such a hard drive?

You say it yourself, later you may regret the decision. And I say myself that although I don't hear any difference, I don't see any point in voluntarily messing up the quality. Then I could just leave the CD and use Spotify.