Hi so maybe that sounds complicated but I mean, I have a Windows laptop but it's not that good. I wanted to make this Windows on my Mac because I don't want to / can't buy a license. Hope you understand what I mean😰
Yes, you can load Windows on a Mac. But then you may lose your warranty and Apple features.
And how? : 0
Yes, Windows runs on a Mac.
Yes i only know my question was can i somehow "bring it over" so this windows what i have on my windows laptop on my mac?
Have you already "redeemed" the license on your Windows laptop?
Then I don't think so…
Then you would need a new one. You can take a look at https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjgxaWxhpHwAhVM1O0KHZYEAUEYABAAGgJkZw&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQeD2tcAeZhZo4eUWJpfdqobCnBqoeil8n41ngta4qaA3W7nZVDJynDi22a_jNUYIp1aUeA64i_U99hQugcfDgZ04&sig=AOD64_02SEasywX4JEurT60X9isipKk8Iw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjilpyxhpHwAhWpUBUIHYzmDAkQ0Qx6BAgDEAE.
Hm okay thanks anyway for your help!
Why should you lose that?
M1 or conventional?
Should work with a Microsoft account.
Just go with Bootcamp. If you have logged into the Windows laptop with a Microsoft account, you should be able to simply log in afterwards and it will work. But I'm only 90% sure about that.
Because then you no longer use the Apple system. And that is a huge loss
But what does that have to do with guarantee?