Booting up the Chromebook without Google sign-in?



When I start up my Chrombook I always have to log in with the mrinfm gmail account and password.

I find this very annoying, especially since my password is long and secure. Can I start Chrombook without logging into Google? In the internet there's something about PIN registration but I think they mean something else. In any case, I can't get along with the Internet articles. I would like to be able to start the Chromebook without any passwords, like my laptop with Win 10. But a short pin would also be fine.

Can someone explain to me whether this is possible and if it is how to do it? I would be very happy!


No, you can't. You always have to register. Otherwise you can only start in guest mode.

Incidentally, this is also set to change for Windows in the future. They have been planning for a long time that you have to log in with an account and password when starting up.