Why do not I have Citavi shortcut in Word?


I have the following question.

I downloaded Citavi 6 for a housework. Normally logged on the campus license etc. So on my old laptop, I once had an office package and Word 2013 open and citavi was automatically linked to Word. Now I have no link even if I work off the standard problem solutions. I thought now that I may have the wrong version Office Worde if there are wrong Office Word differences. Word Office 365 is displayed when I start the Office Word version, which may not be compatible with it. I'm getting desperate, hope you can give me a hint.


I can only offer you these two links from "Citavi Support". I hope that helps you accordingly:




Yes, there are problems with this version of Office.

You have to do a reinstall, as described here. https://support.office.com/de-de/article/herunterladen-und-installieren-bzw-erneutes-installieren-von-office-365-oder-office-2019-auf-einem-pc-oder-mac-4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658?ui=de-DE&rs=de-DE&ad=DE

Then reinstall the Word Add-in; how it works is described on the Citavi support page.