Windows sometimes doesn't show a preview / thumbnail view of photos, just the photo icon. Why?


I have a relatively new laptop and haven't worked with it much.

When I go to a photo folder, I'm first shown the photos in thumbnail view. After a second, the icons update and only the photo icon is displayed. (at least for most of them)

In general, the icons on the desktop and in the taskbar are constantly updated…

All drivers are up-to-date and under File -> Options -> View I set thumbnail view instead of icons.

I'm slowly running out of latin. Since I have next to nothing at all in terms of data or programs on the laptop except for the Office package and Shotcut and Wondershare… So it can actually not be viruses / malware. Especially since my Avast tells me that everything is clean.

Has anyone ever had this problem and can help me? Unfortunately, I didn't find anything about this in the relevant forums.


Hold down the "Ctrl" key and roll around a little on the mouse wheel, that would fix that, with larger symbols it becomes a live preview under Windoof 10 in my experience


Maybe that is the reason: You can click on View in the Explorer and there's again "Options" or "Folder Options" there you click up and then again on View. There's then a long list and at the top something like "Always show symbols, never thumbnails", if that has a hook, remove it.


Thank you very much, but I've already done that. I also wrote.


Thanks, but it only makes the icons bigger and smaller


I'm not talking about the miniature view, but about the "folder and search functions", otherwise try turning off Avast and restarting it or clearing the icon cache (


We mean the same. I definitely set that up.

Some photos are also shown in miniature view, but only 2 of 50 approx.