Can I show my mother (p)?


As mentioned in the headline I have a problem with my mother.

To me: I'm 18 years old and have just graduated. My mother and I have had a bad relationship almost as long as I can remember. She has sometimes blackmailed me or beaten me. I do not want to start with psychic violence. (Insults, humiliations and co)

Today it has brought the barrel but after days of strife once again to crowded. Namely, 2 days ago I bought a new external HDD to backup my photos and documents and to clear my laptop. This I have in my room (where I do not allow her without me at all to enter (I pay rent)) from the box, which was in a drawer under books, stolen. When I asked her normally if she knew where my hard drive is, she started yelling at me, which permission I have to transfer photos from her hard drive to mine.

I have been taking these pictures for about 2 weeks since I made a photo book for my grandfather with pictures of my childhood and my brother. I saw how many photos she has of us, our family holidays and holidays of my father, brother and me. (The two are divorced since 2007)

I then loaded these photos onto my laptop. And now on the hard drive too. Unfortunately, there were also photos between me nothing at all. She flipped and scolded me and whenever I said something in my defense, her friend laughed at me and insulted me as well. Then he threw me out of the apartment (The house has 3 apartments.) In one is the office, one is my room and the other one (where I was thrown out) is the only kitchen)

To get my hard drive back, my mother wants me to show her everything on my laptop. That alone is not legal.


Do you know what, show it to her and then take off your clothes. This currently has no basis and will cost you more and more lifetime.


Yes, but the farge I'm in my job, why should I do that? I have a lot of things on my laptop that my mom does not mind at all. (written stories, old diary entries etc).

Besides, unfortunately I do not have enough money to move out.


Did she start yelling at me, which permission I have to transfer photos from her hard drive just to mine.

Basically, you have to answer for the stress, because of course you have no right unsolicited to pull strangers data on your PC. I do not want to apologize for the behavior of your mother, only in that case it is undecided.

An advertisement would also have consequences for you.

See that you can clarify the problem privately.


It's about pictures. Zoom in on the documents so you can't read the lyrics. And the pictures can indeed be viewed in a thumbnail. It's not about what you have to. It's about changing the overall situation. There's no trust between you and there will not be any more in the near future. Show her, so you get your hard drive and you search in parallel a studio apartment.


Then secure the data temporarily externally.


I would show her again now and then make me as soon as possible from the field (= take off)

That has no value, the good eats your life and energy with chicane.


Sit down with your mother and clear up the incident. Also apologize for having searched and dubbed your pictures without being asked.

Would you have better talked to her before?

But also at the same time that her friend should keep out of disputes between you as far as possible. It does not concern him directly and concerns him, probably not. (Unless there were pictures of him, too).

There's something like "the right of one's own picture" - so your mother has the right to decide on the pictures she wants to give you or not.

So show her the pictures you took and be cooperative. Strife and Zoff will not get you anywhere.

All the best!


Yes, he was also in one or the other picture. Just like his children. (Keyword: family vacation)

Right on one's own picture is only partly true because in many cases many pictures are taken by myself or my father.


Unfortunately, that did not work 10 years ago and will not be the same now. Every time I try to approach her, we almost completely deny her rights and present herself as a saint. And that she can only react like that to a terrible kid like me


Well, I do not know how your mother feels this - I as a mother would consider it a breach of trust, my kids would go to my private things. Everyone also has a right within the family on his privacy and privacy.


I've been kicked / kicked out in February. Since then she almost begged me to come back, because my father did not seem to be doing well.

But it was only because I found the whole situation bad did not seem to want to see them


Ask your father for help to get your property back. You have contact with him, yes.


Yes that is a good idea. But honestly, I do not want her to get away with it.

Unless I take all the data completely from the PC


I can tell you from my own experience only: it is often quite good to distance yourself from La Familia.


When you 'just' visit, relaxes a lot.


I can only repeat myself. You think too fast. You are atoning for revenge. This only costs you nerves and time in your life. Take off and is good.


Yes, I have already experienced several times on my own body, since I was already often alone in the cure by eczema and asthma 6 weeks. There I was much better and I had no problems in the interpersonal area.


Unfortunately, the two have been communicating for years only by lawyer. So that will not work


Oh dear.

Both diseases that can be triggered by stress: -c

That does not do you any good


I think you might be right, I've never really thought about it, but internally I may be looking for some.

Unfortunately, I can't move without money. OR. Without regular income.


Yes, I've known that for a long time. But the bad thing is not the stress, but the relaxation afterwards. That makes the body really ready


But does it justify stealing things and demanding that the other's privacy be violated as well?

Would you go that far as a mother?


Especially since it was approved by her. (At least in parts)


What are you currently doing professionally?


You both did something wrong… You can't just take something away from you.

You are not allowed to drag data from your PC or copy your photos without asking questions.

It only helps to talk.


As I said, I have just finished school and I want to do an FSJ next year and then I would like to study medicine.