Hard disk or battery broken?


I've had some problems with my laptop lately (Samsung Galaxy Book):

A few days ago he didn't show me a WLAN symbol and said that a SIM is missing. I only need a SIM if I would use my LTE. After about 20 minutes and frequent restarts, the problem solved itself.
My laptop crashed yesterday. This was because the battery was empty. When I had recharged it and wanted to boot it said there was a repair because the laptop was started incorrectly. After that, it restarted itself and everything worked again.
Today, however, my laptop crashed again, even though it had a full battery. I then connected it and was able to start it up again. I was shown that it has 100% battery and I removed the charging cable. At that moment he crashed again. Now the problem is that I can only start my laptop as soon as it is connected. When I disconnect the charging cable it keeps falling and shows me that it has 0%. If I then reconnect it, the battery charges within 5 seconds and has 100% again immediately and I can use it as usual. So I thought at first that the battery was broken, but I also noticed that it made strange, scratchy noises. I have just inquired about it on the Internet and came across that my hard drive could be broken.

I'm absolutely not an expert and therefore do not know whether the battery or the hard drive is broken or whether it is just a malfunction.

If anyone could help me, it would be very nice, since I absolutely need him during Corona and online lessons and I don't want to buy a new one so quickly because I don't know if my laptop might not work again.


Because you can hardly make a remote diagnosis. But would at first suspect the battery or the charging electronics and the phase separator as guilty in the wall. ^^


Thank you for your answer.
If the battery is really there, could I do something about it or do I have to buy a new laptop?


That would have to be checked… If it is only the battery, then it can be exchanged quite cheaply. If it is due to the on and discharge electronics that controls the battery or maintains and teaches in the system, then it will not really make much economic sense to exchange something.


Thank you for your help.


Well was no help rather ne assessment and a not so great message ^^