Geforce Experience resets my settings?


I had to download Geforce Experience for Battlefront 2. But there's such a mode to optimize games. However, it resets all my settings when I start the game. Somehow I managed to prevent Overwatch from being rolled back. I have exhibited that new games will be optimized. I also exhibited the optimization on Battlefront 2. The app contains the standard settings for the game, but I want to change them. But that doesn't work even though the optimization is off. I don't know if I should uninstall the app because it doesn't appear in the window settings. I don't want to stop using my laptop. Would be nice if someone has a suggestion


How do you come to the conclusion that GeForce Experience is changing settings? Another culprit could be at work.


A friend also had the problem when you press windows Z you come to a menu like that, you can turn it off


I gamble every day and that has never happened to me. Only when I downloaded the program. It is because.


Inside Geforce? It doesn't work for me