Wi-Fi password of the school cracked. What are the consequences?


At the moment our school has almost all students at home via video conferencing. For individual students, like yours truly, the opportunity was given to work in the school if they simply do not know it at home for various reasons.

Now the Wi-Fi password was entered on my laptop so that I could not see the screen. But since we're also supposed to work on some tasks on the ANTON learning app and these special students sit in exactly the same room where no mobile network is possible, I only got the Wi-Fi password for myself via CMD.

So far so good. But I was gullible enough to pass it on to a buddy who passed it on, etc. Of course there was also someone among all the people who thought he was telling a teacher about it. My headmaster then brought me into a brief conversation, asked me who I had passed it on and asked me to apologize to the IT teachers. I also told him that I see what I did wrong. He also passed this on to a representative of the Ministry of Culture at our school who should contact my parents.

My father now thinks to be quite aggressive about the matter and wants me to talk to the deputy again and tell him the same thing as the headmaster. Now my father says I could and will get expelled from school.

But the question is whether I can even be punished directly? The Wi-Fi password was not only set to me but also to other students on their private devices with full awareness. So isn't it your responsibility to the people who passed it on? If I pass on my password for my e-mail, it is also my fault what the consequences are.


Whether or not you will actually get expelled from school is questionable, but some disciplinary action is sure to result in it. You should really refrain from doing that in the future, there's a reason why not every student gets the Wi-Fi password.


Of course it's your fault. You have obtained the password even though it was not given to you, otherwise you would have been given the password, e.g. In writing.

And if that is already regarded as hacking by definition, the act in itself is definitely punishable. So criminally punishable by the police.


The headmaster no longer has all the slats on the fence.

In 2021 he should kindly submit Wi-Fi for everyone or cancel if he is unable to do so.

Legally nothing can happen. It was typed in on your PC so that you legally have the password.


Nothing can happen under criminal law. By typing it in on his PC, he was given the password. The fact that teachers have no idea about PCs is their problem, but not his problem.


Hacking is prohibited under criminal law. And it was not "given" to him, but temporarily given to him for a specific purpose. If you had "given" it to him, you would have given him the password, but this was intentionally omitted.


Reading something in your own PC is never hacking. Especially when it works via the command prompt without "illegal" programs.


So if someone orders something from Amazon on my PC and I somehow get the password out, can I just shop on Amazon?

Of course not!


You made a mistake, you didn't keep it to yourself. You shouldn't have said that to your best friend either. Trust is good… You probably know the saying.

Your father doesn't have to make elephants out of a mosquito either, he had enough trouble at school.

Apologize and say you did not want to harm anyone, did not know that you would not be allowed.


I have already reported to the IT teachers, apologized and offered them voluntary detention.


There's no longer any sense at my school anyway. We even already have individual classes that work purely with tablets and everyone should do that at some point.


You wouldn't have to do detention with me, even if you have already offered it, for me that would be fine with the apology.

At that moment you would like to say to the teachers that they will have to enter a more difficult password the next time, otherwise it would be hacked again, but unfortunately you can't say that.

That would be disrespectful.