I don't have a password?

- in Acer

I bought a new laptop from Acer 3 days ago with Windows 10 pre-installed. I had it set up directly at Saturn because, unfortunately, I don't have as much idea about it myself.

The seller wrote down my email address and said that the person setting up the laptop would call me because of the password, which would be emailed to me, and I should then pass it on to the employee. Ok I thought, it won't be difficult.

Now I waited but did not receive any email and after 5 hours I got the call that my laptop was ready and I could pick it up.

So after Saturn, I picked up my laptop and thought nothing of it. At home, however, I noticed that the employee had set up a completely new email address for me, but I didn't have a password at all. Then I looked around and found out with Google help where you can manage the passwords. But to show the password, I should also enter any password for Windows security. But I don't have one. So 2 passwords that I need but don't have and no one has given me.

I'm always automatically logged in there and can't log out without a password, otherwise I will not be able to enter. I tried to forget my password, but to no avail.

Now look pretty stupid out of the laundry and annoy me black that I can't change the password. So today nobody can be reached by phone on Sunday. Maybe someone can help me here. Lg


Call them tomorrow and have everything done together with you. It's very outrageous.


Hit the device on the table at Saturn on Monday. They should take care that the device can be used by the customer, otherwise withdraw from the purchase contract.

The staff probably created a new Microsoft account, but not with your email address. To use Windows you can also create a user without a Microsoft account and without a password.


Only a phone call or a personal conversation with the seller helps.