What is the name of this game from the 1990s / 2000s?


I'm looking for a particular game that I played 10 years ago or so much on my laptop. However, I can't remember the title of the game, I can only play the plot and a similar-looking cover. I hope you can just take the time and help me:-)

Action: As far as I know, it starts with a little story. A few people come from a small village (or are passing through I do not remember) and find a kind of big circle on the ground. Outside the circle are different symbols, which correspond to the signs of the zodiac. Each person must click on the symbol with his zodiac sign. Then this circle starts to shine. I'm not sure if there's a portal in the middle, but the earth starts to shake and individual star sign symbols 'fly' out of the circle and spread out somewhere. Thereafter, this circle is destroyed and the people arrive in a village, which they build. That was the prehistory now. The goal of the game is to bring the symbols back to complete this circle to get home. But you have to unlock areas first. But you only get these if you have certain things done / has. In the village in general you can grow on fields, such as pumpkins or something, send children to school, teach teenagers / young adults certain things / professions, let adults work, marry people, if their zodiac match and children get evt still few other things that I can't think of. However, you have to build / unlock the school and other buildings. I do not know how to unlock it, you probably have a level and always have to ascend. I remember that you had to repair a bridge to get to an island to get more symbols there. In addition, you once had to do a sliding puzzle. So slowly I do not remember what else happens. I did not make it to the end.

The game goes in the direction of strategy, settlement, construction and does not correspond to a retro style, it is very good of the graphics. The cover of this game is similar to that of Hearthstone. I have googled countless times but it seems like this game is just not there anymore… I would really appreciate it if you could help me, I really do not know what else I can do.

Logo of Hearthstone


Was that still under Dos or under Windows? If Windows, for which version? Then you can narrow it down better.


Sounds like a game from the kellogs pack what gave it as a gift, can that be?


I downloaded the game from the internet. My Lapotop still has Windows XP, but I can't tell you which version the game is for


No. My dad had downloaded the game from the internet. So it was a real game




Omg yes that's it!


I'm good! I should become a detective.