Motorcycle or computer?


I wonder what to buy Motorcycle or computer?

Had already a scooter and a laptop now I wonder what I should upgrade?


It depends on your interests. Personally, I would have bought a motorcycle because it is more versatile in my opinion but consider the maintenance costs.


I guess you have more use for a computer.

You can use computers in any weather year round.

MOtorrad will only bring you something in the long term if your buddies drive too. Then a Möff would be much better.

Computer is worth buying nothing more. MOtorrad costs maintenance. Where you can buy many computers for the price of a motorcycle (+ equipment and fuel)! So I ask myself what that should be for a MOtorrad.


As an avid motorcyclist my answer does not seem far away: a motorcycle!

You can also serve on the Internet with your mobile phone or laptop.

Life should be enjoyed and what better way to do a motorcycle tour than when the weather is appropriate?

The motorcycle license lasts a lifetime. Granted, the bike is not.

Biker Greetings!