Motorcycle accident with breakage?


I recently had a motorcycle accident.

An older woman with the big Volvo took the right of way in a 50s zone and rammed me into the bike. I was lucky and flew to the back on the asphalt floor.

The doctor diagnosed a lot of bruises (ribs, rib cage, spine)

Further examination revealed that the first lumbar vertebra has a fracture. I'm now dependent on a kind of corset for 4 weeks.

There are also many personal items broken, such as mobile phone, laptop and backpack.

What do I get refunded and how do I do that with the insurance?


Ask your lawyer


You should urgently consult a lawyer.


For the physical damage you have to sue the lady for compensation. Is also important for any consequential damage.

Get a lawyer quickly. He advises you.

Incidentally, this must be paid by the opposing insurance company.


How fast you were allowed to drive, how old the driver was, and which car she drove with is completely irrelevant. Or do you think your claims would be different if a young man had driven in a small Polo?

Civil law claims you can best clarify your lawyer. Damage claims for damaged or destroyed items can be determined quite accurately. With pain money it looks different, that is a matter of negotiation.

Since the question of guilt seems clear, you can take a lawyer at the expense of the opposing insurance company. He clears everything for you.


Everything should actually take over the liability of the lady. Take you but a lawyer, these costs are to be borne in clear fault by the opposing insurance.