Is this laptop good for games like For honor or GTA?


Is this laptop good for games like For honor or GTA?


Rather not because it has no graphics card, but only an on-board graphic that is probably not enough.


Short form: No.

Long form: A notebook for 450 euro. Wow. This device is not even suitable for working for most people. You want to gamble with it. For comparison: the device costs around half to a third of a new iPhone. In general, there are very few capable gaming laptops. But this is not one. It is neither capable nor is it designed for gaming. It is said to be an inexpensive all-round device. I don't know much about For Honor. With GTA, however. The game is extremely demanding and pushes even expensive gaming PCs to their limits.

If you want to gamble in the price segment, buy one console. They are much more fun for little money than a cheap laptop.


Yes, it works with this notebook.

I have a notebook with a Ryzen 3500u from HP.

And of course I also play GTA V with it.

But one thing should be said right away, the APU is then designed for low gaming.

GTA V is doing very well.

I myself play in 900p


For Honor you can't play with the laptop, but you can play GTA V. The AMD Vega 8 graphics unit has enough power to make GTA V playable. But if you really want to get into gaming, then you should think of a gaming PC.


Short form: No.

He can't play for Honor with that, you're right. But he will be able to play GTA V with this laptop. Of course not on the highest Full HD settings, but I think if he is lucky on slightly medium settings with about 25-30 fps.


So the laptop is not good for these games. As I wrote.

25-30 FPS on medium settings is not really useful if you ask me.


Gaming on low settings and resolution is possible with the laptop. You won't get anything better for the price.