Is my fan broken Medion Akoya?


Yesterday I tried to free my laptop fan from dust. After I opened everything carefully, I cleaned the fan with a cotton swab whereupon my great dad said he would blow with air pressure from a compressor. Despite multiple sayings, I could not stop that nonsense. Today while playing my fan is completely quiet. Is it because the dust is gone or is the fan broken?

Have a Medion Akoya E6234 laptop with Intel Pentium 2.2 GHz and integrated graphics card


Could be both


Probably because the dust is finally gone. If the CPU were too hot, the computer would probably hang itself even under Windows, since the CPU automatically downclocked.

And as you say while gambling, I assume the games are going well and not worse than before.


I did not gamble on it for a long time, because it did not work because it loaded too long


As I said, if it is playable and not the whole PC hangs, the fan seems to work.


If the fan did not turn, you would not be able to gamble. As the laptop would shut down immediately to avoid overheating.

That with the air pressure for cleaning is already OK. That's what professionals do. One has to be careful with a compressor, that one does not work with too much pressure and / or too short a distance.