How do I manage to add English subtitles to a YouTube video with my mobile phone?


So I'm not really a technology freak, so I wanted to ask if it was possible to put English subtitles in a YouTube video on my cell phone, is that possible? Or do I have to upload it to my laptop first?


YouTube does this automatically when you activate the function. Look here:


Great, thank you very much


I can't do it. I even downloaded Youtube Creator and still can't get it to work.


I'm not sure, I think it will take some time for the algorithm to analyze the video, see if it works tomorrow. Otherwise, maybe contact YouTube support.


It depends in what language the subtitles should be.
If you want them to be displayed in German, then you don't have to do anything, YouTube does it automatically.

Would you like the subtitles e.g. Have in English, then you have to answer it yourself.
Either you insert the exact text of your video in the Creator Studio yourself in English, using the "Translation" tab


You insert the subtitles while editing.
The disadvantage is that they can't be deactivated if you insert them by editing.


I was told that it happens automatically when I put it on.


So when I go to your linked page it says that I have to click on Creator Studios classic at YouTube studio links, that didn't work.


Yes, but only in the language spoken in the video. I should have mentioned above in my answer.

But if you want to have subtitles in another language e.g. English then you have to insert the subtitles manually, either via the Creator Studio or post-processing.


No, I thought I was told if I want to have English subtitles that come automatically when I activate it. I tried and I can't get it, not even on the laptop.


No, it doesn't work.
As already mentioned several times, this is only possible with the language spoken in the video.

I.e. If German is spoken in the video, YouTube will automatically give you German subtitles.
The same applies to any other language.

But do you want for a video where German is spoken e.g. You have to insert English subtitles yourself.