Microsoft Windows system?


Because Microsoft plans to discontinue support for Win 7 next year, I'm thinking of what to do because I'm actually satisfied with this system, but unsure without updates. I do not want to upgrade to Win 10, because you generally hear a lot of negative (but you can hear that since Win 8). Would take again XP, but is already outdated and do not know how sure that is because of all the viruses and Trojanerzeugs. Or are the whole malware now all tailored to Win 10, that XP is safe again, just because it is already so old and hardly anyone has? I would like to take a Linux distribution, but many applications require Windows.

What would you do, or what have you planned next year? Who made good / bad experiences compared to the older ones with Win 10? What annoys me the most is how Microsoft shamelessly exploits its quasi-monopoly on the customer / user! I recently wanted to buy a new laptop in a shop, without operating system (Win 10), but was disappointed, everyone was with! When asked if it would be cheaper if it would throw it down, I only got a tired smile! I finally left without leaving.


Yes mei, someday that will stop

I also use the windows 7 on my first laptop. Then I'll work on updates for the first time.

I use a strict strict hardware firewall, a dedicated network, a good anti-virus solution and anti-ransomware.

This should have put a stop to 99.9% of all hackers and continue to use Windows 7.


And XP? Is that really too old, but still susceptible to viruses?


Also, I can confirm that Win10 runs very well and if there are problems, then it is not s.System, but what sits 60 cm in front of it.

Of course there are computers without a BS. But then you do not have to look straight at Media Markt and Co. There are vendors where you can build your PC to your liking, so hardware and software.


So your concerns I can't share, Windows 10 is better than his reputation.

I as a loyal (since 1994) satisfied Linux fan, would rather recommend you to Windows 10, which is much better than Windows 7 and Windows 8. Of course, there are computers without operating system (of course, not in the media business) I usually order the calculator csl or notebook cheaper.

I have already set up more than 50 computers with Linux distributions, people are happy, the computers are running smoothly and fast. For gamers, I would guess to Windows 10, because there are more games.

For the "normal" user who has nothing in front of the game, you can safely install any desired Linux distribution. Antivirus software is not needed, the calculator runs as oiled.

If you are fed up with Windows and you have no purchase software that only runs on Windows, you could switch easily.