Connect the DisplayPort connection from the computer to the monitor?


You can easily connect a mini-computer to a monitor and keyboard as follows:

Displayport to HDMI adapter. Connect this to the computer (DP). The standard HDMI cable is then attached to the HDMI adapter, which is then connected through the end (MINI-HDMI) to the portable monitor and keyboard.

My portable monitor and keyboard are built like a laptop. There are only the following connections available:
HDMI mini and USB-C port

Is there an easier way to connect and use the small computer and does the above procedure even work?


To the best of my knowledge, HDMI is unfortunately only suitable for image and audio transmission, so it can't send keyboard commands. Can you send me a link to your portable monitor so that I can get an idea?


That would be bad because I need it for the home office. This is the following monitor (touchscreen version including keyboard):


Yup, everything's clear, so HDMI can't do that, but you can simply get a display port to USB-C adapter and you've solved the problem.
Unless of course you need it for something else.


Thank you very much!


No problemo.


Have to disturb again briefly. Somehow just find one from USB-C to Displayport - that would be wrong right?


@ jaak17 I inconspicuously point to the question 🙈


I sent you another message, but somehow you weren't tagged. Unfortunately I only find the USB-C adapter on Displayport.


Oh hey sorry! The adapter actually doesn't work like that… Man. What else do you have for connections on your computer?