How do I connect a 144 Hertz monitor with a DVI connection to my graphics card (DisplayPort connection)?


Do I have a possibility to connect my 144 Hertz monitor with an HDMI, DVI and VGA connection with my graphics card, with an HDMI, DVI and DisplayPort connection? My monitor has a thin, gray horizontal line a little above the middle and I found that it was due to the graphics card. To do this, it works perfectly with other cables such as HDMI, but to my knowledge, HDMI cables do not create 144 Hertz.

I have already found various adapters, but they all pack no 144 Hertz…

An adapter, for example:

Monitor: BenQ XL2411

Graphics card: Raedon RX 460 Graphics

Processor: Intel Core i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70 GHz


I found the following on this topic

Read this in peace before you make a decision


Thank you first, but the page does not describe how I find a connection between DisplayPort (graphics card) and DVI (monitor) …


Why do you want to use DP-DVI because you have DVI-DVI


I'm currently doing so I have this horizontal, gray line in the monitor…


For basic knowledge, but the article says nothing about a 144 Hertz monitor: /


Because it applies to all monitors. 144 Hz only says that the image is built up 144 times a second by the monitor. It's great, too. But what else is there to know?


I just want to get this line away in my monitor and as far as I know all the adapters are not compatible with a 144 Hetz monitor so they just make 80 Hertz or something


Yes, the cable needs very good quality. But that surprises me because the 144 pictures are only generated in the device or does each graphic 144fps?

Well, look here, I think you want that


I have now found a cable:


My pleasure! People also praise the properties in connection with 144Hz Monis, then that should be the right thing