ICloud contacts


I have just opened my ICloud on the laptop. My ID is my father's email address, because we did it then (maybe I was 11).

Now I went to my contacts on the laptop and now my father's and mine contacts are thrown together in the cloud. How can I change this? Should I better create a new ID with my email?


Are you using your father's Apple ID?


His email address is my Apple ID, he has no iPhone himself and therefore no Apple ID.


Don't you have your own email address?


Of course, but at the time I was somehow done that. I didn't know how to do it


But if he doesn't use iCloud and doesn't have an iPhone, how do his contacts get there?


If his contacts are also saved there, then already… Otherwise no contacts of him would be saved there


I don't know either, I was totally shocked when I saw that.


So better create a new ID?


I thought about how contacts of your father, who doesn't have an iPhone, could get into the iCloud.

One possible explanation for this is that at the time you created the Apple ID on the computer on which iTunes and Outlook were (or still are) installed. Then there's certainly a check mark in iTunes that all contacts should be synchronized. As a result, all Outlook contacts were synchronized and are therefore saved in the iCloud.

You don't need to create a new Apple ID! You just have to delete all unnecessary contacts on your iPhone and then create a new backup which will then be uploaded to iCloud. That is all and much easier than creating a new ID


Thanks for the answer! But I know I think what it was. I went to iCloud on my iPhone and activated the contacts. Then came something from merge, which I simply clicked on. I think that's the reason. 😅 Have now changed my Apple ID anyway. The contacts were also on my iPhone and on the cloud. I painstakingly deleted them on the iPhone, but they are still in the cloud.