Laptop as WLAN antenna for PC?


I have the following problem. In my room, the wireless signal is very weak and I have no way to change anything at the location of the router.

Both my mobile phone and my desktop PC with WLAN stick have big problems and the connection breaks down frequently or fluctuates extremely.

However, my laptop has hardly any problems and so I came up with the idea to use this as a WLAN antenna for the PC.

So I connected both via LAN cable and then created a network bridge between Ethernet and Wi-Fi on the laptop

Unfortunately, this does not work as expected because now laptop AND PC have no Internet access even though the network bridge is active and the laptop is logged in to the WÖAN network

The fix on the desktop PC says only "LAN connection does not have a valid IP configuration"

Did I overlook any settings? Unfortunately, I do not know all that well either

what do I have to do to make it work?


Now begins the big guesswork…

Operating system PC - WindowsXXX or MAC?
Laptop: operating system YYY?

So read this:

Complete question with background information provided

Read on

Alternatively, a repeater.


That does not work so easily. You need to install a Linux (for example) on the notebook and then use the Wi-Fi connection and the Ethernet connection (cable). Then get a bridge between the network cards, and the PC to the notebook by cable. It is guaranteed to be severely complicated. Even with Windows not so easy to configure, if you want to use Windows on the notebook.
Buy a network card for the PC, so a wireless card. Have to see what slots your PC has, either PCI-Extress or PCI. Take a card that has at least three ports, as can either these small antennas turn, but there are also larger with more reception / transmission strength and longer connecting cables.


Why do not you use a Wlan Repeater?

With this network bridge, you also have to do the network configuration manually. Has no direct connection to the router, such as the Wi-Fi. Did you also share the internet connection with other devices?