Notebook: quality of some songs terrible?


Have a notebook, as an example we take the song "KILLSHOT" by EMINEM…

When I play this, it just sounds terrible, as if the heart rate is not right, or you have a kind of robot filter in it…

in itself the sound is fine, only with some songs with very deep basses as in the above example, the sound quality is simply not sustainable…

Is my sound card defect? The problem just came out of nowhere… And why only in very specific songs, with a lot of depths in it… That's stupid…


Does that mean the sound of the internal speakers or even the headphone jack?


Laptop speakers usually sound awful. Or you steer your speakers / system over the headphone out, this can lead to distorted sound, because the signal is possibly doubled.

Or in your music software, the EQ is on.


Ok, why I have not yet tested the integrated laptop boxes, on which it seems normal to listen to my external boxes, on-ear headphones and in-ear headphones, it sounds stupid, then it seems the socket to his…


I forgot to mention that this problem is on external audio devices such as my boxes or headphones, I have just tested only the laptop own boxes, there it seems to be ok, so it is therefore the audio jack…


If your headphones also work through the jack, it's the wrong one.


Either the socket is defective or the settings in Windows are not correct for the audio output.

Check if you have an equalizer on or some reverb. That often distorts the tone.

does the problem occur with all connected audio devices or only with speakers or headphones? Then of course the corresponding device could be defective.


How do you mean? I change depending on whether I want to use headphones or hear it loud on my speakers, because there's only an audio jack on the laptop… But that's nothing wrong?


Take the laptop up with a Linux live CD and test the sound via headphones. If the sound is okay there, it's not a hardware problem and you have to keep looking in Windows.


The laptop's own speakers it seems to be ok, only if I connect an audio device like the big speakers or my headphones, whether in-ear or my on-ear… So it's the jack or? But why then only with some tracks, I do not have an EQ, otherwise I would have the problem not only with some songs, but on the complete system sound…


Where can I get a Linux Live CD now, whatever that may be…


Hmm, that's a good question. This is probably a mix of settings, jack and connected devices. For example, the speakers have their own amplifier in there, the headphones again usually not.

Often, of course, with the devices, the question of what quality have. Headphones for 10s differ from those for 50 euro. And boxing for 25 euro against boxes for 100 euro are also an audible difference.

Maybe you are also used to the (usually often bad) internal sound system, the laptop boxes, and feel connected devices again as unnatural and funny.

Everything is difficult to answer without listening samples and maybe even see your settings.

Maybe a buddy can help you and hear and judge, or even look at the settings.


On the laptop, there are in fact usually only 1 audio output.

In order to use speakers and headphones, you have to either plug in an audio whisk or just change, which I do.

my headset has even 2 separate cables, but have only one socket, so I have from Amazon (Millso) worried a Y-adapter, which makes of the combined laptop jack 2 connections for the headset.

thus, changing how you do it is not wrong. Can only be under certain circumstances that the socket is dirty or the laptop already older, so that the connections may not work 100pro.


So, I hear VERY much music, yes? My "sound quality perception" is not out of tune, this problem emerges as I said only on the external audio devices and then -NUR- in a few music titles, mainly in the rap and techno field, but not everything from these genres sounds lousy, as I said only some… I can 90% still music to shoot, with reasonable quality, whether on headphones or speakers… And the general sound itself, be it system sounds or the sound of a video game… All the best


What kind of question is this? From the Internet, the http://WWW.


A headphone output (usually called Phones out) is pre-amplified, which can lead to sound problems if the signal is then amplified again. Try to set the volume on the PC to 20% or so and turn the box / system louder.


For free? If I google it, there are different pages with offers… I do not know it, even if I read "CD" I'm completely confused… But no matter, we leave that, thanks for the help so far


Then we would only have a solution for the external speakers (which I can't test now because someone still sleeps in the same room), why is it on the headphones too? If the jack is for headphones…


Hmm, then I can't help at the same place. Hard to solve this problem.

maybe let a buddy with you go through the settings, if there's something wrong.


Oh, sorry, I did not hear that


Since I do not need to go through anything, I connect an audio device, opens my audio menu, where I can choose something like an EQ or the bit and Hz numbers (also called formats) … Is everything on standard, as always, thanks anyway for the trial