Leave old songs on?


So I found a lot of new songs and I still have to download them all.

Collected the new songs all year long and I found around 1000 new songs.

Now on my Ipod I have 950 songs and there are many of them that I don't hear anymore, but if I put the new songs on it, the space would not be enough.

What would you do in my position? Leave the songs that I still hear permanently and delete the rest or completely remove everything and start over?

I would then have all the songs on my laptop


I would never delete a song that I still hear and what I like to hear.


I think it always feels better.


On a relatively small storage medium, I would only keep what is needed at least once a week (many things take up a lot of space thanks to full HD). Don't delete everything else, just outsource! Storage space has become cheap. My first USB stick with only 512MB cost 20 euro, a 3.5 "external hard drive (320GB) around 350 euro. But those days are over.

Or back up to a laptop. Create folder (this simplifies subsequent work and, above all, the overview). I may never get old songs back in particular. New ones, on the other hand, are literally thrown at you everywhere. Then start again anyway. I'm currently doing this with old tablets.

Delete everything and recreate it according to the current needs. It just takes time😴

With a normal tablet, I assume 2-3 days. Everything at around 128GB (card) plus around 64GB SSD in the device itself. Also leave some space here.