When trying to pull songs from the phone to the laptop does not find all. Why?


I was just trying to pull my cell phone songs on my laptop, which found only 2,088 of the 3,407 songs.

I pull my songs over monthly and never had a problem with it. Still have my phone (Huawei P9) connected via a USB cable with my laptop and then in the search bar of the SD card (have already checked whether the songs have somehow got into the internal memory of my phone, but this is not the case) entered ".mp3".

Even after mermer repeating my laptop finds only the said number of songs.

Does anyone have any idea why this could be? And would it make sense to get the SD card out of the phone and put it in the laptop to get the remaining songs? If not, what else can I try?


Look with the window explorer the mobile device. Maybe that puts 2 folders in which then the music is?

So do not just pull over, but then manually mark and copy.