Exchange laptop hard disk (are there any problems with windows)?


I have a slightly older laptop (3-4 years old) (sony vaio) (windows 8) which crashes every few minutes because his hard drive is broken (it will also display a corresponding error message) (there are also some viruses on it etc) now I want to swap the hard drive

now to my question:

1. If I swap the hard drive, then all viruses should be gone as there's no storage possibility on the pc sontz or sontz (the data on the current hard drive I do not care)

2. If I now buy a replacement hard drive and install it then I have to somehow load windows on the hard drive or can I just swap the hard drive?


If you exchange the hard disk are generally all programs and everything you have spared on it first no longer on the laptop but only on the old hard drive / even the virus). This can sometimes be in a suitable Gehäiuse with USB port for operation externally to build on a PC or laptop to get back to the data.

Windows does not have to be forcibly installed. You can sometimes install a free Linux distribution on your laptop

The Mate version is the better one.

Under Download -> Documentation -> German you will find everything important (instructions) how to install it up to the first steps.

You do not depend on Windows for good or bad.


The hard disk is not defective. Once the viruses and the insecure Windows are gone, there will be no more outages.

As a current modern and virus-safe operating system, the free Mint Cinnamon is recommended. Mint is better equipped with software than the most expensive Windows. The service is just like Winos. A payment key or a virus scanner do not need high-quality operating systems. Just download the ISO, burn to DVD (USB-pen works just that). If the computer is booted from the mint boot medium, the modern desktop appears directly and all programs including Office can already be used, which will never be possible. The install icon is on the desktop, the steps are quite simple, the beginner gets along well with it. Linux contains only full versions, no demos or castrated versions of payment software.

The safe operation of a computer is not possible with Windows, since Microsoft and the BSI are quite unanimous).


If at the same time you completely reinstall Windows for the exchange (and thus also lose all the old data!), Then point 1 is guaranteed.
This is called "install". And the answer is yes. 😉