Carefully remove laptop Intel stickers?


On my 2 year old laptop there's still the Intel sticker, which I would now like to remove. The sticker is a bit thicker and unfortunately does not move a bit. So far I've tried to nibble it off and oil. I don't really trust myself with heat. It is an aluminum housing. Does anyone have the ultimate tip on how to gently remove the sticker?


Simply pop off and then remove the adhesive residue with an eraser should be enough

If it gets hardneck I always use eraser and lemon juice


Why do you actually want to remove the sticker? I would feel glass cleaner a little bit on it and then it softens and you can take it away


If you can just pull it off / tear it off, do so. You could then remove the adhesive residue with alcohol or glass cleaner.

If you can't easily remove it, heat the sticker a bit with a hair dryer. That doesn't harm your laptop - the CPU, for example, can also reach temperatures of 100 degrees; that would not be healthy for the CPU itself in the long run, but it doesn't bother the laptop.