Windows 10 does not recognize Linux Mint 19.2?


I just installed Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon installed on my laptop, but I can't select Linux Mint in the BIOS and thus can't boot. Neither MSconfig nor EasyBCD detects the Mint installation. How do I get to the Mint installation and especially: how can I let them boot by default?


For me, a bootselector is installed (GRUB) and from there I come either in Win or Ubuntu. Everything was on the install CD. I hope that you have previously split the HDD, so that in the free areas of Linux accommodated.


I have that too, so when I boot from the bootstick.


For me, it was relatively tricky hidden in the BIOS. You have to put Windows Boot Manager in 2nd place and GRUB first. It worked out for me. Otherwise look at Windows. Search for extended start. From there you can boot in, it's just awkward.


Well, the only problem is that GRUB does not appear in the BIOS, but only an uninstalled Ubuntu, which is only displayed to me when I call the Windows Boot Manager to exchange it. I can then use the arrow keys to navigate, but if I want to select it, nothing happens.


Boats Ubuntu and do

sudo update-grub

Maybe that brings something


Ok, I just did it. This "Ubuntu" is the installed Linux Mint. When I booted this, the GRUB also appeared (that is, as a surface, not in the BIOS). But how do I get Linux Mint as OS, which should be booted by default?


Which mainboard manufacturer do you have? In MSI, this is very far hidden in the boot options, as is the example so that you have to select the boot manager in the BIOS. Otherwise, try out if you can choose Ubuntu via the boot menu


I already know where to find the operating systems in the BIOS. There I also found the Ubuntu, which is actually Linux Mint. But if I want to replace the Windows Boot Manager with the alleged Ubuntu, that does not work. I get the pop-up by selecting the Windows Boot Manager and "Ubuntu", then I want to dial Ubuntu, then I navigate to the Ubuntu with the arrow keys, confirm my input with ENTER and then nothing happens anymore. If I then press Escape, the pop-up window closes, but if I then see if there finally Ubuntu inside, there's still Windows Boot Manager as a selected boot option and with the normal boot Windows starts.


There's Ubuntu because Linux Mint is based on it. I can't help you anymore. If the user Linuxhase would just be here, he has more idea. Sry but here it stops with me.


Maybe disable the quick start

Maybe this helps


Okey, I will do that. Could be due to Avira, which was installed and when creating a Windows installation disk that did not work because of a module.