Ebay classifieds laptop sold and got ad?


Sold a laptop on Ebay Classifieds. I received money via Paypal and I sent package 2-3 days later.
Now I have an ad or a summons (as an accused) because I allegedly did not send the laptop.

I kept the receipt for the tracking with me all the time, but recently threw it away, since the sale is now 1 month ago and I thought that everything went normally. (My mistake)

My question: what can happen now? Although I can no longer show that I have really sent the laptop, but just as little can the buyer (from Austria) prove that I did not send it.

Is it a statement against a statement if I do not go to the summons or do I now draw the short straw?


For this reason eBay recommends small ads explicitly that the sale should be made personally, so cash against goods.

Now you can't do that much anymore if you can't even prove you have sent the laptop.


This is not a problem of ebay classifieds, but in general of sales, in which the article is sent.

Had the questioner offered the laptop on ebay, or spock, or wherever, now would face the same problem.


I would try to request a proof of shipment from DHL by understanding this specific shipment based on the shipping date and your address.

If this is possible, I know, but you can try it.


Yes, you could try. However, I do not remember the exact date since it was 1 month ago. : /


Just. Is the question to me what to do?


You have indicated 2 days after the payment. When that's done, you can look it up.


Do you happen to have a witness for shipping?

Have you posted online and can therefore possibly get somewhere the tracking number? Or in the course of the browser, because you yourself have looked, where the package is just?

Otherwise, the buyer could have even better time to report earlier instead of directly display…


Unfortunately not. I was traveling alone. I also have nothing to pursue it somehow (Internet or other) I had only the receipt. Extra kept longer and now anyway


Then just tell them that you've thrown away the receipt after over a month and the buyer has not contacted you in any way before he's reported you.

Otherwise try times at the DHL hotline and describe your problem that you need the consignment number.