Got viruses from websites?


How come, despite Windows Defender, you catch viruses by clicking on various websites? Was on some sites a few days ago to watch movies for free and my laptop has been working slower since then.

Is this also a virus? I'm very inexperienced and maybe I don't quite understand the principle of Defender / Viruses / Websites, so thank you in advance for every answer!


The fact that the laptop works slower is no proof of a virus infection. Windows may install an update, clean up the update catalog or index the contents of the hard drive.

The Defender will block 99% of the Trojans, which are more likely to reach your computer via the website via email attachments. But 1% gets through. The simplest and safest solution is to simply restore the operating system and your data from a backup. A backup also helps in the event of hardware defects or accidental deletion.

Watching free films tends to lead to warnings and unfounded demands because you have supposedly taken out a subscription. Viruses, on the other hand, are rather harmless.


These won't be viruses, but rather adware, malware, etc.

Perhaps you should first take a look at how safe it looks when you want to watch free movies.

Well-crafted pests sometimes trick your scanner. It also depends on your settings.

Install e.g. Sometimes an ad blocker. It's not just a help when it comes to advertising.