Buy a notebook now or wait until black friday?

- in Acer

I have to buy a new laptop, it should be as small as possible (13/14 inches) and light and have a long battery life.

Actually I want to have the laptop as fast as possible (need it too) but unfortunately I can't spend so much money.

Is this offer good

Or is it better to wait until black friday for an even better model (then hopefully for a similar price)?


I spent a lot of time with the Boyfriend last year and read a lot, compared prices, etc…

You do not save money that day. On the contrary: for some you will even pay more.

The prices are slightly raised until the Black Friday, to be able to offer them reduced (normal price) on that day…


The thing is quite a garbage heap. Sorry.

Avoid everything that is Intel Atom, Celeron or Pentium (except Pentium Gold).

At AMD avoid everything that is not a Ryzen.


Black Friday is just a marketing gag. The most you get at the same price. There are only very few products that are really worthwhile, but then you have no choice.


64GB lame "SSD" accompanied by an even worse CPU… Working speed is bad underground.


To worlds better:


The former being the better choice.


First, you should tell us what you expect in addition to the battery life and the dimensions of (D) a notebook, or which applications should run on it reasonable.

The hardware of this notebook is not really more powerful than the components in current mid-range tablets around 10 to 11 ".


Thank's for the Tipps! But both have no operating system or? Can I still work with Windows anyway?


If you need the laptop fast, then buy it now. The deals on Black Friday are sometimes good, but often there's not what you need.
The recommendations of @ WillEsWissen64 are really good.


The main thing is that word works, surfing and watching videos, and programs like R or SPSS work. And it should not be more expensive than 450 euro would be best cheaper.


Yes of course. The Win10 key costs between 5-15 euro.

Windows 10 you get from the homepage of Microsoft.


Then take something in that direction:

or with even more powerful CPU and GPU: