GTA 4 spins on Acer Predator?

- in Acer

I'm an absolute noob and regret the decision to buy this monster instead of an xbox. So please don't chop on it.

I set all settings to very high, because that should work without problems for a game from 2008. Then came the well-known problem of over-capacity… I made myself smart and, among other things. The commands -norestrict and -nomem. Anything entered in the start options (there are different commands everywhere in forums, therefore tried out).

After I initially only entered -norestrict, some graphics settings only went up to "high", at the same time the capacity x / 512 MB was reached anyway and I got the warning in red letters again (even if "the x" was only barely there was about 512MB, maybe 580? Instead of 1780 before).

I didn't want to be satisfied with that and deleted the -norestrict unsuspectingly. From then on everything was in the bucket! The whole menu, the game, looks like I'm playing it on a Commondore 64 -.-

Entering / deleting other commands didn't work either.

Would a new installation bring anything? Or can you reset the whole iwi? No command has been entered at the moment, and yet the graphics in A. Something about changing the laptop settings has also brought nothing.


I would restart the computer