Save images JPEG 8BIM Header (Mac)?

- in Acer

For some time my laptop saves normal JPG images as JPEG 8BIM header (Mac) images… I have never heard of this extension & I have an Acer laptop with Windows on it…

Does anyone know what that is or how do I get that away?


Your laptop does not do anything by itself. You use some program to watch and save the pictures. Which is it?

If you do not know this, then click on Help with the program open and then on the item "about…" or something like that.

Or you pay attention to when opening the program what is so s.P images over there's synonymous 100pro somewhere that is a product.


Sry not my laptop but my google chrome. With firefox he saves the pictures normally as JPG.

Have no extra programs to view / save the pictures.


Did not find anything suitable. Hm, if a reinstall of Chrome brings nothing I would use Firefox and wait for the next chrome version.

On my Chrome, I can't understand that. Sorry.