VeraCrypt Keyboard Layout or Laptop Keyboard Erroneous?

- in Acer

I have an Acer Aspire E5 laptop and I have VeraCrypt installed on it…
until now everything was / is actually without problems but now when I have turned it on and I have entered my password or wanted to enter I found that he does not write the "M" (also the "m") but instead a "0" for it puts…

according to VeraCrypt itself a US keyboard layout is used but there's not actually the M replaced by a 0 and therefore wanted to ask why this may be?
because I now always have to connect an external keyboard so I z.b. The M can use because my laptop in the "boot" environment of VeraCrypt this has apparently changed or somehow changed…

I thought first that it is on the laptop itself but here z.b. Makes the "M" and the "m" without any problems in using the US layout's…

Maybe someone of you knows what could be wrong here somehow


Maybe NUM-LOCK is on, because the numeric keypad on laptops is often integrated in the typewriter part of the keyboard.

Often you can disable this behavior in the BIOS.


I had similar suspected already… Have looked up but the function is neither in the BIOS nor as a "button" available…


Here you can see very nicely that on the keyboard the NUM-0 likes to be on the 'M':

VeraCrypt Keyboard Layout or Laptop Keyboard Erroneous

Since the function is switched by the keys Fn + ScrLk


Yes, that's right…

I'll see if that's the case with me… It's good to know


I've checked it out but it does not work… The ScrLk should be Scroll-Lock button if I'm not mistaken but in boot mode without function say the O on the M remains active… But generally I've tried around but found no solution