Arch memory access and Nvidia?

- in Acer

I have been using Manjaro for a while now and have recently switched to arch now everything is going the way I want it to be 😊

I only have 2 problems

1. I have already tried to install my Nvidia drivers without success.

I get at the end ca soein error (memory access error) (as in picture 2). I downloaded my suitable drivers on the official site of nvidia and unpacked afterwards also tried to install fals information is necessary see picture 1 Have Acer Asphire 5 and ne Geforce MX150 card so and now to problem two

2. I had after I tried to install the graphics driver simply by sudo pacman -S nvidia installed and rebooted

Then I realized that I only get a black picture, Ca 3 times restarted and the picture was also black luckily I had before so a complete backup timeshift created, I'm fortunately still come into the terminal when I backup wanted to select via restore and wanted to flash came again this message (memory access error) see Picture 2. (I did not take a picture at the time but it is exactly the same issue as I had it in the terminal) Have it fortunately still get the graphics driver to uninstall and get the laptop to work

And now to the question why does that happen to me so often? Ever had something similar to me as synonymous with arch zoom wanted to install because I had something like synonymous (dump) written as error

Where do these constant error messages come from? The with the nvidia graphics driver can wait from me but that with the timeshift is extremely important to me Especially as "Arch newbie" it is important to have backups as something should be and as described above, the system does not start. The nvidia graphics card driver I will install only when I can restores from the console backups (for security)

I tried the two things as root and as a normal user comes in both the same problem

Can someone help me there?

The most important thing for me is first with timeshift

Since I can try the driver around me

Image 1

picture 2


Have you ever looked at this link?


Yes, I have 😁.




Then I ask myself alone why you get the driver from the nVidia page. ^^


What is a hacker doing?




Haja 😂 this is arch linux


He just wants to have a new driver xD


Because I honestly do not know how to enter this easily

pacman -Snvidia-173xx

Entering would not really make sense or 😁

The hir had worked really well with me in manjaro 😁 but I can't install it at arch

But that would be reluctant anyway before I can't resten from backups of timeshift.


Trdz knows his way around really well


Well I'm not an expert otherwise I would not ask here how I get out with timeshift out 😂.


Yes, I agree with you

And no, I already wrote that above with pacman - S nvidia tried reboot afterwards and the screen stayed black. I have to install that through the packet my problem is that I often get errors

(Memory access error) that's my general question can you tell me what's why that comes? Was during the installation of zoom like that

Is at timeshift so if I want to rest through the console

And with nvidia comes also memory access error

What's this?


The problem will probably be Optimus, so the automatic switching from nVidia to Intel. There's also something in the article, just read it through. A look at the English Wiki never hurts either.

As for the memory access error, no idea. I have not answered extra, just because I have no idea what that could be. Of course, if that happens, it's not a fault of any program, but more serious.

Google after that. I just searched for a short time and found nothing that really helps. Could probably have something to do with the RAM, but if it worked otherwise, that's unlikely.


The memory access error comes with me more often.


Do you know how to use memtest?


You pack the iso on a stick and boot it. The install stick for Arch would even have to have it with you. Just start and run.


Ne Geforce MX150 card

Is not this a device with a dual-graphic chip?

I have a Nvidia GeForce 650Ti Boost in my main PC and use it with the Nvidia driver from the package sources, currently it is version 418.56.

But you will probably need Bumblebee (because of Optimus). In any case, the nouveau must be blistered, this can e.g. Make by using the boot parameter nomodeset.

And with nvidia comes also memory access error

If this really is only on the nvidia I would not consider it proven here.

Where do these constant error messages come from?

Then just leave as root:

journalctl -f

walk by to see when it happens and what comes before.

Linux Hase


Many thanks for the answer! Yes I have to learn all this haha