Laptop starts with a white screen?


I have an old laptop with Windows XP installed. Since this runs very slowly, I wanted to install Windows 2000, for which the system was actually intended.

He didn't want to boot from the CD when he started up, so I tried to start the setup in XP. It just got stuck there when I clicked on the Setup.exe file. After waiting a few minutes, I unceremoniously pulled the plug.

That probably wasn't that smart.

The laptop's battery is broken, the bios battery is empty, so the laptop always starts in the BIOS if it was not plugged in.

When I wanted to restart the computer, it started with a white screen. Without seeing anything I was able to escape the BIOS and Windows started as usual, even the characteristic startup sound of Windows XP could be heard. All I could see was a completely white desktop.

Could it be that pulling the plug damaged the graphics card or the display?

I've already tried to compare the laptop with another monitor, but can't get a signal.


Yes turn the computer off and on again.


Yes, that can really be… If the problem occurs frequently, you should take it to a repair shop (Saturn / Mediamarkt / etc.)


I've tried this several times, but unfortunately it didn't work.


I don't think it's worth repairing the old laptop, it's over 20 years old and worth a maximum of 10 euro. A repair would be significantly more expensive.


Just try Linux


So old? Then buy a new one if it doesn't work for about 1 month


It was also just a craft PC on which I could play around with old software.

I now have a better PC, also with Windows XP. Nevertheless, it is a pity that the old laptop no longer works properly.


Yes I know that