Laptop recommendation? - 4


I'm looking for a very good laptop that I can work with. It should contain the following items: a GTX1080 graphics card, E7 processor, 16 GB of RAM, Gigabyte motherboard, water cooling from Corsair, ZPU cooler from Corsair, case from Corsair and an SSD from Samsung.


Yeah, that won't work


Are you sure you are looking for a laptop?




Transfer me 20,000 euro and I'll build you something that looks roughly like a laptop.


So for 1800 euro you can get my PC. It's not a laptop, but it's a Mini ITX, it doesn't get much smaller if you want water cooling.

Laptop recommendation

As far as the cooling is concerned, you will probably have bad luck with laptops. They are not designed for that. Unless you want to spend several thousand euro for the same performance and cooling, which you can have significantly cheaper with desktop PCs.

So you better buy a desktop PC with the components of your choice right away. You get a lot more performance for the same money here.


This is not available as a laptop, it would be super hammered to buy such nonsense