Witcher 3: GotY Edition does not start on a new laptop?


Dear Community,

About a year ago I got myself the Witcher 3 (GOG Galaxy) for a now 4 year old laptop and played it on it.

However, it broke 3 weeks ago, so I got a new one. Of course I wanted to download Witcher 3 from there and continue playing from my saved game saved by GOG Galaxy. I then downloaded it completely and the following happens when I hit the "Play" button:

is pressed
Load circle at the cursor
Instead of a button, "Synchronized 0%" appears as always
Then the "Play" button appears again as if I hadn't pressed it
Nothing happens

This is weird, of course, because the new laptop has far better values than the old one. It is important to say that there's no Witcher.exe file in the folder and that it does not appear for reasons unknown to me. Just hold the picture and some terrain data. What i tried:

Restarting the laptop → does not change anything
Check program for errors → none found
Uninstall and reinstall GOG Galaxy and Witcher 3 → does not change anything
Check for Windows updates → everything is up to date
Write to GOG Galaxy support → wait 2 days

Can someone say why Witcher 3 is not running on me and how you could solve it e.g. With certain tags?


The problem could be that there's no .exe…

But check times in GOG Galaxy where it could be: Library> Witcher 3> More> Manage> Show folder and then to bin \ x64

When you have found it, try to start it directly (not via GOG).


Uninstall GOG Galaxy & Witcher
Start the command prompt as admin and do the following:
sc delete GalaxyClientService
sc delete GalaxyCommunication
Start anew
Install Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4
Install Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019
E.g. Found here: https://support.microsoft.com/...f26a218cc0

Start anew
Install GOG
Start anew
Install Witcher 3


Thank you for your advice, I'll take it now and see if it works. Write again later


If it still doesn't work:

Uninstall Witcher
Deactivate your AntiVir and Firewall / Windows Defender
Install Witcher
Start Witcher 3
If possible, first activate the firewall and start the Witcher again
If it works, then Strate AntiVir and then Witcher
If it doesn't work, you have to create exceptions for the respective problem (firewall and / or antivir)


The first way didn't work. I found the "witcher3" file at the bottom, but loads. Then I will follow your 2 more pieces of advice


As a hint: Both times I installed TW3, I found a "goggame-1495134320" where there should be an .exe file