Can Saturn refuse the warranty for my notebook due to the reversal of the burden of proof?


The charging cable of my notebook no longer works, I'm still under warranty (17th month). At first, Saturn rejected the complaint because the warranty against The manufacturer has already expired (which is Saturn's problem and not mine). I didn't accept that.

Now Saturn comes to me with the reversal of the burden of proof and wants proof that the charging cable was defective from the start. Which it probably wasn't.

Do I somehow have a chance to claim the deficiency?


Then you write to them that they have to pay the expert's costs and a corresponding advance payment for this question.


I don't see a chance!
I assume that the socket on the notebook is "worn out".
This is caused by attempts to "knock in" the connector the wrong way round or when the USB connector is stuck in the notebook, bumped or tilted, or similar carelessness!

The resulting damage is also directly excluded from the guarantee.
By the way, if the defect had already occurred on the new device, you wouldn't have been able to use it for 17 months - even the best notebook battery won't last that long.


In the case of the (completely unusable) warranty, you ("YOU") have to prove that the error occurred when you bought a new one. Nobody can do that…