Laptop sold?

- in Asus

I sold my old laptop on eBay - an ASUS S56CM XX043H. It came out in 2013 and is accordingly out of date. The user on eBay was not interested in any data and paid me 100 euro for the laptop, while I assumed it was more like 20-30 euro.

Now to my question (s): What do you think he's going to do with the old thing? Does he want to restore my data (I've read that this works despite formatting the hard drive and resetting)? And what would he get out of it?

Should I entrust the laptop to an expert beforehand who will overwrite all data or am I driving myself unnecessarily crazy? Is it also possible that he just wants to sell the individual parts? I've read that the charging cable alone is sold as a spare part for around 50 euro.

A few answers from people who have more clue than me would be nice.


There are various free tools for formatting the hard drive that are… Final. With the amount that is paid to you, it is quite possible that he cannibalized the box and sold it in individual parts.


I could only imagine that he would then try to say that the package never arrived or something, so I would send it by registered mail, otherwise take a look at the reviews. I think that with the data is rather unlikely.


Ok, there are always crazy people. But I had completely forgotten about the registered mail…


I've read that on various websites and have been imagining the worst ever since. I find it creepy that it is so complicated to really permanently delete your data when the reset is specified as 'permanent destruction of all data'.


Yes, unfortunately, I took a look at it and restoring the data is not too difficult even after formatting, but as far as I know there are also programs that permanently delete your data.


You can delete data yourself relatively easily. I would advise before any sale.

See here:

But that will take a while. Because it erases everything / overwrites the data with random values. In theory, that can also be restored. But for that you have to have a lot of knowledge, equipment and time. But it is highly unlikely that anyone will invest that much.

What is offered in Windows as "Formatting" makes the hard drive appear empty to the PC. What that does is erase the hard drive's "map". So that you no longer know where the data is. Not the data itself that remains and there are programs that can create a new map for the data and make it readable again.

Only a new hard drive would be 100% safe.

Presumably he will sell the parts individually. Personally, I wouldn't care.


I have read too. However, the PC doesn't tell me the type of hard drive and it all sounded very awkward and complicated. I've never done anything like this before, so I don't really dare to do it


So wouldn't it really be dangerous if the data were restored?


Did you get the money yet?
And you don't want the laptop to be sent to England by chance?


You should be able to find your hard drive very easily:

Explorer> ThisPC>

Drive C> right click> properties> there you should then find info

Alternatively, you can also download CPUZ, the doctor program will also give you information about the hard drive.

In an emergency, unscrew the laptop and look at the hard drive yourself.

Unfortunately I don't have a PC here to check for myself whether it works like that but should actually.


You have to know that.

I would only sell my hard drive safely overwritten. It's not rocket science either.


Yes, he transferred the money directly (PayPal) and the package goes to NRW


Unfortunately, I don't know if something dangerous can happen: /

I will definitely do that.


Well, then the Nigeria connection will drop out, the only risk that remains for you is PayPal buyer protection.

But you know that.


Properties just says 'hard disk' - you don't want it to be too easy either.

But thank you, maybe CPUZ will help


Yes, otherwise I will be able to look at my PC again tomorrow to find out how I have to do everything out of my head 🙈


Only what is stored on it can be dangerous to you. I don't know what you have on your hard drive.

But it is very unlikely that anyone will try to restore the data and even less likely that they will succeed.

You are more likely to be struck by lightning and win the lottery six.


I'll get to it. Otherwise I have to play a few contacts and have it done professionally. My paranoia are too present again anyway 😅


Well, this has nothing to do with paranoia, such data are quickly restored and in mwnxhen cases it is rather bad.


Well if he paid 100 euro on Ebay, someone else must have bid 99 euro. So that just seems like a common market price.


I sold it on eBay classifieds and stated 100 euro VB - nobody else wanted to pay it (understandably)