May the police / the crime police confiscate my laptop?

- in Asus

It just does not stop… As some have noticed, last week there was trouble for my daughter. It is still in the closed. Yesterday again the Kriminalpolzei rang with me. They wanted to have my calculator. The papers were there and I wanted it to end and handed over my laptop with passwords and charging cables to the officials.

The problem is that I desperately need it again, because all my email traffic is going on and I'm doing my online banking.

To at least read news and print prescriptions, I borrowed a buddy from an old laptop. But because I'm worried about my data, I do not want to worry about my emails and online banking. This is very slow anyway and has no proper protection installed in my opinion. (Asus R011PX is on it).

My question is how long does such a data evaluation last and if I'm right at all. My daughter has no access to this PC at all. That's why she can't do anything about it. An acquaintance who has done my PC and network work has already checked this. Especially with the aspect, if the PC is still safe.


Computers may be seized / confiscated by the police if they serve as evidence. The legal basis for this is:

(1) Items which may be of relevance as evidence for the investigation shall be held in custody or otherwise secured.

(2) If the objects are in the custody of a person and they are not voluntarily released, then seizure is required.

(3) Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall also apply to driving licenses subject to confiscation.

(4) The publication of movable property is governed by §§ 111n and 111o.

A release of the seized / seized objects takes place only if these are no longer needed as evidence or if the criminal proceedings are completed. That can take quite a few weeks to months.


As someone who has worked with the police on such matters, I tell you - most of the officials are happy to be able to install a program without help.

What has someone checked or not does not matter - if then the laptop goes to an external specialist who makes a judicially valid opinion and a corresponding preservation of evidence and because these people do not grow on trees and the police with cases of cyber crime is well served, it may take a few months to check the experts as all seized devices to check (especially since that can be a lot of work)!

As you write yourself had the officials "papers" and thus the authorization to confiscate the PC but even if not then it is now too late because you have handed him and voluntarily. Whether that should have been clarified before the release…

Whether your daughter had access, no one can say 100%. What I can say is that you can boot the laptop from a stick, load the hashed passwords, and depending on how good your PW is, you've cracked it in a matter of minutes, hours, or days. And if your daughter did that or not only she knows. Even if not the laptop is gone first and before 2019 you will certainly not get it anymore. Therefore, I would just get a cheap laptop for 199-249 EUR in your place and work with it.

Alternatively, get yourself a 32GB USB stick and install a Linux on it then you can work on the laptop without worry when you boot it from the Linux stick…

Instead of asking questions, I would recommend visiting a lawyer in your interest!


I think it's better to look for a new laptop right now. It's a pity, because I have recently had a lot done.

Do I have the possibility that I will also receive compensation or compensation for this?


Luckily the laptop is not your only problem…


The thing was an heirloom from my father. It is not the material value, but the memory