Afraid of the police for ordering drugs?


You should read it through completely before you hand in your mustard and I actually only need answers from people who are really familiar with the matter.

So I'm a grass consumer, that's not allowed, but I don't harm anyone and I get everything done! So it's about, I think I ordered 5g of weed from a well-known dealer once on the Internet in August. They arrived at my packing station, at that time I ordered my packing station to my real address because I'm sometimes not at home. The quality of the weed was significantly better than that of my dealer, but that doesn't matter. The point is, I found out that exactly this internet trader has been arrested.

Now it is like that, I asked around what could happen. So if he has saved the addresses, which would actually only burden him more, someone said I had to expect a letter with an invitation from the police. Another said they would search my house and confiscate my laptop and cell phone. That would be really bad because I always have about 10g of weed or hash at home. And he said they could only come in two years.

I don't know how to act now, I can't be scared for 2 years and without a laptop and cell phone I would be lost. Can someone say something exactly who knows? It can't be that they do it at every address, not everyone has ordered large quantities to deal with…

Should I call the lka or bka myself and describe it like this that they don't search my house and get the penalty for it? Or will nothing happen there? Unfortunately I just don't know… Can you find out whether he has saved the addresses?


If the dealer has been arrested, the police will certainly confiscate his computers, cell phones and other data carriers in order to analyze them. Deleted data are also restored and checked.

Should she come across you there, she will definitely get in touch - but that depends on the status of the investigation and can take a long time. And then the question would be how the public prosecutor reacts to the small amount (own consumption?). He MAY discontinue the procedure against conditions, but does not have to.

There's nothing you can do but wait.


Don't worry too much.

5g are nothing. They are always interested in the main dealers and you as a consumer who also ordered over the Internet are not as interesting as the sender. Then it depends on how big or small he works.

Live on and never order via the Internet, try to establish sensible contact with a stoner who only grows or trades for himself and only sells to friends he trusts.


Should I call the lka or bka myself and describe it that way they don't search my house

That's the stupidest thing you can do. This means that you are guaranteed to be in the focus of the investigators, which is not yet certain.

If the investigators find data on distribution channels and customers from the arrested dealer, they will of course be investigated. You can only wait and see until then maybe clean up your apartment and your hardware.


What do you want? - I still don't really understand that!
On the one hand, you're scared because you bought something on the internet.

So it's about, I think I ordered 5g of weed from a well-known dealer once on the Internet in August.

On the other hand, the fear is obviously not great enough to want to do without the usual supply that you keep at home.

Now it is like that, I asked around what could happen.

One says this - the other says that. Half-truths and speculations. Not more.

Thinking logically is often more effective!

Suppose your name appears in a customer file. Then that might be an indication, but not proof!

If the guy kept a record of 5 g, it wouldn't be a big dealer, but an egg thief!

Even in Bavaria, 5 g is a small amount. Since it can be assumed that proceedings would be discontinued because of insignificance anyway, the effort is disproportionate to the possible penalty.

How high the THC value is plays a decisive role in determining the penalty.

I think I ordered 5g of weed from a well-known dealer on the Internet in August.

How was the grass paid for? - Certainly not on account!

Should I call the lka or bka myself and describe it like this that they don't search my house and get the penalty for it?

Do you really think that you could prevent a house being searched by calling and explaining the matter?

Unfortunately, I don't understand the rest of the sentence.

can you find out whether he has saved the addresses?

Maybe you'll visit the dealer in jail and talk to him.

My personal opinion is:

Much smoke about nothing!
Rely on the talk of people who don't know anything themselves.

You can find reliable information here:

Among other things, a list in which federal state, which amount is treated as a small amount.

Quantities (narcotics law)


So first of all, it is very unlikely that you will be contacted by the police about this. What they want is to catch the dealers and that's what they did in that case. Perhaps some customers who have ordered suspiciously high quantities are tracked, but 5 grams is far from counting.

Let's assume (which as I said is very unlikely) something would come. A house / apartment search takes place unannounced. In your case, it is also unlikely that they will take their laptop and mobile phone with them, because you have not made yourself suspicious of the action. If they find 10 grams on you, it may be dropped if you otherwise have a clean slate. And in the highly unlikely event that it ever comes to that, it is at most a mild charge that can get you away with a fine or community hours.

The bottom line is that your worries are not worth the effort. You just have to wait, but even if something really does come, it's not something you can't live with.