Massive (performance) problems with Asus ROG notebook since reformatting?

- in Asus

Love community,

I've been having massive problems with my notebook since reformatting, and hope someone will find it here to help me out.

- Extreme performance degradation despite graphics settings in games on low, (graphics settings of the notebook are all set to performance), strong lags, still images and tw. Crashes in every game

- Bluescreens from time to time with the error message "video_tdr_failure", Cause of error: "nvlddmkm.sys"

- Become, especially with downloads, constantly disconnected from the Internet and in general it is very slow. We have a 100k line with fiber and my friend on the PC everything runs without problems. Router restart does not help.

- When starting games sometimes, but not always, comes the message that on my PC DirectX11 would not be available. I have DirectX12 installed and this is supported by my graphics card too.

What I have already tried:

- Updating and reinstalling all drivers and correcting several times, if nothing is missing. Additionally, install all the drivers provided by Asus for my model.

- Control CPU and GPU temperatures (CPU average 80 ° C, GPU 75 ° C, both maximum 85 ° C). Then the purchase of an external cooler, but no effect (except that I'm extremely cold). The temperatures remain the same and the performance has not improved a bit.

- In my desperation, a reset of the notebook, because I thought it might have gone something wrong. Then a new installation of all drivers and a 3h Windows Update.

- Multiple controls using 3D Mark and Rumspiel in the Intel and Nvidia graphics card settings, to see if any setting is to blame for the lack of performance. However, no matter what I do, the Skydiver benchmark test comes to 50 FPS and about 10500 points - just too little for a gaming notebook. I do not know how many points my model should make, but I know for sure that a year ago I still had about 65 FPS in the same benchmark test.

Data and facts about my notebook:

- Asus ROG G501JW

- Nvidia Geforce GTX 960M graphics card

- Intel Core i7 4720HQ (4 cores) processor

- Intel (R) HD Graphics 4600 onboard graphics card

- 8GB (DDR3) RAM

- 128GB SSD, which only has the operating system (Windows 10), and a 1TB HDD, where everything else is stored.

- The notebook is now a bit older than 2 years (so no more guarantee)

Thank you in advance for any help, support and tips!


How did you reset that?


With the system settings of Windows 10


Which Windows version of Windows 10 do you use?




Were updates made by Windoof 10, if so which ones?


No idea, honestly, where can I see that? And how could that be related to my problems? As I said after reformatting about 3 hours update of Windows performed, then came nothing more. Also check every day, if there are new windows or asus live updates…


Then I would completely reinstall the system. Write down your license key first. (Can you do this with a Key Viewwr for Windows)


Do you mean in the BIOS? I have eig. Everything on completely new set…


Create a bootable medium (USB stick or DVD) with the Media Creatiob Tool. You then reinstall it


Sorry, but I do not understand anything… What exactly should I reinstall from it? Windoze? I would have to delete it from the laptop before, and I can't (would not know how.) In addition, I've actually made a complete reinstall of Windows, what exactly changes a USB stick? The key is stored in a Microsoft account, have not yet managed to get started…


Settings -> System -> Info


If the key is in an account, it does not need to be searched. Then you have to register with the account. You just have to boot from the stick and then in Windows Setup delete all partitions and create a new one.


Okay, I'll try that, thank you! And you think that could actually be the solution to all problems? Does Windows really affect that much?


It just has to be a driver that stops everything. I once had a similar problem. Install it again and then install the drivers with the free version of "Driver Booster" which seeks out all necessary ones. Everything went perfect with me afterwards.