Is that a good business idea?


I have a good business idea. I don't know if it's good.

Because we have Corona and there are a lot of schoolchildren to live and there are many families who can't afford a good laptop / notebook.
I thought that I would give them to the families and that it would prove that they are people in need. You then have to pay a small deposit of around 50-100 euro and get a technical service from me free of charge.
When the Corona is over, I will get the laptops back. If the family wants to keep it, they have to pay a little something.

Vote if it's a good idea.

if it is not a good idea please explain.

If you have any questions you can write to me privately.


In itself it is not a bad idea, only the point is that a school has to be aware of you, otherwise the notebooks from Apple / Samsung buy everything there's.

Or rather, it is financed by the state


You're pretty much in advance. Can you afford that?
you might get it back broken.

I would charge at least a monthly rental fee


As far as I know there's no help for that, but for people who do home offices, yes.

you have to understand


Let's say a laptop costs you EUR 400. After a year it is dirty and needs to be reinstalled. Residual value in bulk business, i.e. Without sales efforts, EUR 100.

So it means that you have to get more than EUR 300 in from somewhere so that it pays off for you. How do you want to do that?


And how do you make money with this "good" idea? O_O

Certainly not with the small deposit, because you have to pay it back to the customer!

Then you still do service for free, so you are on the road for hours and have travel expenses, etc. And earn nothing…

Funny concept!


Very good idea


This is not a business idea, but a fundraising campaign. If you want to do business, you first have to choose a different audience.


I know it sounds weird

The laptops are sent by post and if something happens, there's remote maintenance