When can the police seize devices?


I recently had a house search due to an intercepted shipment of 5g of cannabis. Something of the good herb, my cell phone and my laptop were confiscated.

The police will not find what they are hoping for on the devices (chats from trade, etc.), but possible chats where the use of prohibited substances is mentioned.

Well, my question is now: What would the police have to find that they can move in the laptop / mobile phone and I can't get it back (or will I get it back quickly?)

PS: I live in Austria


5 g?! That's ridiculous


Anyone who is a criminal must expect their devices to be confiscated. You can think about it beforehand, can't you? Those who have illegal drugs sent in the mail don't deserve better.


That's what I thought to myself… Apparently only because of the Darknet, as imports are added as a fact.


You won't get the herb back,

You should request the return of the cell phone and laptop in writing.


Thank you for your help. You answered my question well. Sometimes it would just be better to be quiet when you have no idea. For me, drug users are anything but criminals. But enjoy your alcohol, it's healthy and not a drug…


If you have used the cell phone to "contact" dealers or "customers", it can be used as evidence.


Well, it's not about what YOU think is criminal, but about the legislator… And obviously they consider cannabis to be illegal


Thank you… I'm also aware of that.


You can't be charged with imports because this is done by the SELLER and not by you


And what about a laptop that MAY have been used to order the goods?